Hello everyone, I am Yuyi also known as ueholik online :)

A huge welcome to my page! I've started typing my thoughts out at the age of 13, a Secondary One kiddo who used broken English here! (Not saying that my primary language has improved thus far oops!) Sadly, my relationship with blogging has always been on and off. I was really ashamed of what I posted online over the years and repeatedly deleted posts, starting afresh, deletes.... the cycle continued. But! I have learnt my lesson and here comes a record of my life! I am determined to pen down each and every valuable memory every now and then to keep track, as well as a good memory lane in future! 
Are you ready to walk this journey with me?

A little introduction about myself! I am currently a Year 2 student in Innova Junior College, Singapore, battling with the ever-so-daunting A-Levels. At 18 years old, I have yet to find my aspiration, probably the reason why I chose JC, giving myself a little more time to hunt for one. Well not to worry because I sure have a few hobbies! I pretty much enjoy sharing my experiences, designing and not to forget.... sleeping. (I've a personal record of sleeping 19 hours non-stop! Beat me!!) About my past educational backgrounds, I've attended 6 years of primary education at Mee Toh School, and 4 years of secondary schooling at Dunman High School. I would say the journey would be relatively average in Singapore, but for myself, it is surely a period full of ups and downs, watching friends come and go due to practical reasons are certainly eye-opening. 

I grew up in Sunny Singapore, but I am undeniably proud to be a little part of Hong Kong! Yep, my mother is born and raised there, and my family has always travelled to and fro these 2 homelands! And yes!! I've picked up Cantonese at 3 years old, way earlier than Mandarin, 我D廣東話係真係LakLak聲嘎!! hehe! I come from a family of 4, with a little brother 4 years younger than I am! 

​Nope I don't have a special talent hahaha, but I can play the Piano and the Chinese traditional Pipa and I'm slightly better at the latter.... But please don't ask for an impromptu performance... give me like.. 1 month notice in advance HAHAHAH. Just kidding, even though I've stopped learning these 2 instruments for years, I occasionally do take them out to stretch my dead fingers, learning one or two new pieces. I love duets with my father who is really musically inclined with his Classical flute and Erhu! It's been ages since the both of us bond over music, now my brother has replaced him while he is learning his 笙 and erhu as well. And my mother... well she has a passion in singing so yup my family do make quite some noise to the neighbours!

Alright, I guess that's about my boring self. Head over to the home page or contact me through my links to find out more about me! 
lots of love and kisses, 
